Category: Uncategorized

26 Mar
Warehouse Projects

Interest Subsidy on Warehouse Projects

“Rajasthan Govt. is granting Interest subsidy on warehouse projects” State Govt. is running a scheme for warehouse projects under which any investor who is planning to set up a warehouse can avail ‘5% interest rate reduction’ benefit on the term loan taken from the financial institution for the purpose of warehouse construction. The maximum cap on […]

24 Mar
Cold Storage Projects

Huge Subsidy on Cold Storage Projects

“Great opportunity for Cold storage project aspirants” Central Govt. has launched a very beneficial scheme for Cold storage projects, under which any investor who is planning to set up a ‘new cold storage unit or expansion of current unit’ is eligible under this scheme for a grant in aid. A maximum of Rs. 10 Crores can […]

23 Sep

MOFPI launches “Backward & Forward linkages” Subsidy Scheme

Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is inviting Expression of Interest from Entrepreneurs/ FPOs in food processing for creation of Backward and / or Forward Linkages for plugging the gaps in supply chain. The objective of the scheme is to provide effective and seamless backward and forward integration for processed food industry. The scheme will enable […]

10 Sep
Monthly Expenses

4 Easy Ways to Lower Your Monthly Expenses

Whether your business is a brand new venture, or you’ve been up and running for years already, it’s likely that you’re on the lookout to reduce your expenditure as much as possible. A common fear that comes with saving money is the concept of “cutting back,” that a large-scale, dramatic change is necessary in order for you to start saving exponentially—and of course it’s more than reasonable that as a business owner, you don’t want to make sudden, drastic changes to the way you run your business.

10 Sep
Small Business Loan

How to Get a Small Business Loan

There is nothing quite so exciting to an entrepreneur as starting a new business venture or expanding an existing one. Following your passion and knowing that the success or failure of your business is on your shoulders alone is a great way to start each and every day. Unfortunately, business requires capital, which means you […]

10 Sep
Business Capital

Raising Business Capital from People

Asking for business capital from people you know is very different from putting in a loan application at the bank. The good news is that you already have a personal relationship, so chances are they won’t run a credit check or ask you to put up your home as collateral, and may even give you […]