MOFPI launches “Backward & Forward linkages” Subsidy Scheme
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is inviting Expression of Interest from Entrepreneurs/ FPOs in food processing for creation of Backward and / or Forward Linkages for plugging the gaps in supply chain. The objective of the scheme is to provide effective and seamless backward and forward integration for processed food industry. The scheme will enable linking of farmers to processors and the market thereby ensuring remunerative prices for their produce.
Eligible Sectors:
Following food processing sectors are eligible to avail the assistance under the scheme:-
- Horticulture
- Milk & Milk products
- Meat, Poultry, Fishery, Marine, Piggery
- Ready to Eat/ Ready to Cook Food Products
- Honey, Coconut, Spices, Mushroom
- Retail Shops for Perishable Food Products
Pattern of assistance:
The maximum admissible grant for each project would be @ 35% of the eligible project cost for general areas and @ 50% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas and Islands respectively, subject to maximum of Rs. 5.00 crore per project.
Note: (i) The grant will be provided only in respect of technical civil work and eligible plant & machinery.
Last date for Submission:
The closing Last date / time for submission of EOI / Proposal is on or before 13/10/2017 (5.00 P.M.).