Tag: cold

30 Apr
Cold Storage

Cold Storage Subsidy Scheme Dates Extended!

Central Govt. extends Cold storage subsidy scheme dates up to 31/05/2018″ (https://www.subsidyguru.com/huge-subsidy-on-cold-storage-projects/) The cold storage subsidy scheme which was going to close on 30/04/18 is now being extended up to 31/05/18. This is the last chance for those entrepreneurs who want to set up cold storage project with the central Govt. subsidy of 35% on total project […]

24 Mar
Cold Storage Projects

Huge Subsidy on Cold Storage Projects

“Great opportunity for Cold storage project aspirants” Central Govt. has launched a very beneficial scheme for Cold storage projects, under which any investor who is planning to set up a ‘new cold storage unit or expansion of current unit’ is eligible under this scheme for a grant in aid. A maximum of Rs. 10 Crores can […]